Yes! Free! This is a 6-wallpaper bundle of phone-formatted wallpapers, ready-to-use on most digital devices (smartphone preferred). Downloading free content is a double-win: cute wallpapers for your phone while supporting Strudelbee for free! Digital purchases help boost our reach across all of our platforms for Strudelbee, so passing on this link to friends & family is appreciated too!
These photo collage studies were created during the Fibers/Patternmaking portion of my time in art college. Using royalty free textures, imagery, etc. I created vivid collages that give the eye a lot to look at, both in a minimal grid-style and the original collages.
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Freebie Wallpaper - Fall Collage
Each freebie purchase comes with all of the included files in a zipped folder, this can be accessed directly through your phone.
Once you have it saved on your phone, you can set it to you Wallpaper based on your phone settings, if you're having formatting issues please shoot me a message at